Residents Letter - June 2018
Below is a copy of the letter that was sent to all residents of Matson and Podsmead in June 2018;
Below is a copy of the letter that was sent to all residents of Matson and Podsmead in June 2018;
Dear Resident
Thank you to everyone who has helped us shape the future of Matson and Podsmead
In March 2017, we secured Government grant funding to allow us to consult with residents on developing illustrative plans for both Matson and Podsmead that would help shape the future development of new homes and community improvements for both neighbourhoods.
We are writing to say a big thank you to all of you who have attended the numerous consultation events and drop in sessions over the last 12 months. You have helped us to develop our plans based on what you would like to see improved and what you think is needed in your communities to make them a better place to live.
It is important to stress that these plans are illustrative only at this stage and because any investment proposals could take up to 20 years to achieve, we expect that over time, your views may change and our plans may well need to be amended to meet changing needs, so please don’t stop telling us what you think.
Funding the Investment required:
What is clear is that these plans will need a huge amount of financial support to get them off the ground and we know that this is not going to be easy to achieve. Many of you have asked “Where is the money going to come from?” and we want to be straight and up front with you.
We are continuing to make the case to Government about public funding but nothing has yet been agreed and we have been told by the Ministry of Housing and Homes England, that there is currently no grant money earmarked for community estate regeneration. We do know however that funding opportunities can change rapidly based on Government spending reviews and priorities. We are also exploring opportunities to attract new partners who may be able to bring additional public and private money into the area to help support the required investment needed.
In the meantime, Gloucester City Homes (GCH) will use its existing resources to continue to improve homes and communities as it has always done and will work in partnership with residents and key agencies / stakeholders to help improve the future for both communities
What happens next?
By the end of this year GCH will have completed the initial informal consultation stage and the City Council hopes to publish draft Supplementary Planning Documents for Matson and Podsmead which will explain the high level planning policy for both estates and formally consult residents on its adoption.
GCH will then consider submitting planning applications for any proposed developments of new homes and facilities and any proposed redevelopments of existing homes and facilities to the City Council, for the Council to approve, amend or reject, following further formal consultation with residents directly affected.
How can I get more information?
All the main questions that you have put forward so far have been answered in our most recent newsletter 4 distributed in May 2018 and are also available on our ‘Shape the Future’ regeneration website: www.shapethefutureglos.co.uk
We are still happy to receive and answer any further questions via the website above or through email: regen@gch.co.uk or call us on 01452 424344. We will, with your permission, pass any questions onto other partners for reply if they are better placed to provide you with the answers you need.
We will continue to let you know of any further progress as and when that happens.
Kind regards
Ashley Green Chief Executive Gloucester City Homes | Jon McGinty Managing Director Gloucester City Council. |
Because there is no more news at the moment and as very few people are now coming to our weekly Tuesday drop-ins at Shape the Future Hub on Matson Parade / and at the Podsmead Big Local we have stopped the drop-ins, with the last session held on the 19th June 2018.