April 2021 Update - Update for Matson
We have written to all residents of Matson with the following update…
GCH and Gloucester City Council remain committed to building on the progress made over recent years.
Since we last updated you, we have been working hard to identify suitable land to kick-start the regeneration process, allowing us to build new modern well-designed homes for residents and regenerate the area.
We are not alone in finding that our regeneration plans are taking longer than we would like. But we continue to work together to find a way forward with our plans.
Above all, we remain committed to consulting the community on our revised plans and will update you on this around October 2021.
Our commitment to you.
In the meantime, we want to reassure you of our commitment to bringing about positive change at Matson. GCH will:
- Continue with our significant planned investment programmes into Matson. This includes Decent Homes work to install new kitchens, bathrooms, windows and heating systems with a budget of over £5.5million.
- Build small sustainable developments on disused sites.
- Work with government to secure funding for new homes like those in St Peters Road, Bazeley Road, Badminton Road, Amberley Road and Matson Avenue (Court).
- Work with developers and housing associations to provide more options for affordable homes.
- Do everything we can to secure the Robinswood Pub site as part of our regeneration plans.
- Work with Gloucester City Council to develop future funding opportunities.
Staying in touch
We will continue to work with organisations including the Matson, Robinswood and White City Community Partnership and ward councillors and will keep you informed on progress.
In the meantime, we welcome queries or questions, by email (customer.experience@gch.co.uk ) or phone (01452 424 344). We will continue to work with you to create a better future for Matson and all who live here.
If you wish to join the Community Advisory Group or would like independent advice please contact Jenny or Mal from TPAS on freephone* 0800 731 1619 or email gloucester@tpas.org.uk
* (If calling from a mobile number you may be charged, so leave your name, mobile number and say you are from Matson in Gloucester and they will call you back.)
Update for Podsmead
Plan Updates
Since the last newsletter and Questionnaire in November we have taken into account residents comments and have continued our discussions with the City Council planning officers and County Council highways officers.
This has resulted in further changes to the plans which we are assessing to see if the proposed scheme is financially viable.
Community Consultation
Once these discussions and affordability checks are completed we are hoping to share the latest plans with you in another newsletter and questionnaire in May/June and providing, the Government’s pandemic regulations allow, hold two communitywide face to face consultations on Scott Avenue as soon as restrictions allow.
Podsmead Big Local, Podsmead Community Association and The Club at Tuffley Park would also want to consult you on the accompanying Socio-economic Plan for Podsmead which will hopefully set out how in future, community buildings, shops, parks and buildings can be used and how they might provide new employment and training opportunities for Podsmead residents.
Tpas, the independent community advisors, will also be available to hold small community meetings and drop ins for residents to speak with them about the various plans and proposals.
If the plans received community support we would then be looking to hold one final exhibition to show the plans which will be submitted to the City Council for outline planning approval and then submit them later in the year.
The City Council would then carry out their own consultation before deciding whether to approve the outline plan.
Detailed elements of the proposals, such as the look and type of the properties, would then be considered in a further “reserved matters” planning application at the beginning of each phase of the regeneration, on which residents would be consulted again.
If the “reserved matters” are approved, the City Council has made some of their land available, and the finances are in place, then we can begin building on site. The earliest this might be is 2022/23.
Got a question?
In the meantime, we welcome queries or questions, by email (customer.experience@gch.co.uk ) or phone (01452 424 344). We will continue to work with you to create a better future for Podsmead and all who live here.
If you wish to join the Community Advisory Group or would like independent advice please contact Jenny or Mal from TPAS on freephone* 0800 731 1619 or email gloucester@tpas.org.uk
* (If calling from a mobile number you may be charged, so leave your name, mobile number and say you are from Podsmead in Gloucester and they will call you back.)