Have your say in Matson and Podsmead
The communities of Matson and Podsmead are being invited to participate in a series of community sessions to help shape the future of their neighbourhood.

Gloucester City Council has made the renewal of Matson and Podsmead one of its priorities. Working with Gloucester City Homes (GCH) the first step in the process is to produce a plan for each area. The plan (referred to as a Masterplan) will identify the future layout of the neighbourhood showing both existing and proposed housing, streets, open spaces and public buildings. This Masterplan will guide the development of these neighbourhoods over the next 15- 20 years.Ashley Green, Chief Executive of GCH commented “These sessions will provide the first opportunity for residents, tenants and other members of the local community to discuss, with representatives from GCH and Kevin Murray Associates (KMA are specialists working with communities) the issues facing their neighbourhood and opportunities for improvement. Community feedback will inform the masterplan and help lead the revival of each neighbourhood. It will also be a chance to learn about the planning, design and masterplan.”The events include a guided walkabout of each neighbourhood followed by a picnic for all. There will also be a minibus tour for those who are unable to walk the routes.
This is the first of a series of engagement and consultation events that will continue throughout 2017 and early 2018 so that people can comment on ideas and plans as they evolve.
More information can be found here and residents are encouraged to join the Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/shapethefutureglos/