November 2021 Update
Since 2017 we have been working closely with local community groups, local residents, the City and County Councils , the City MP and other community partners to develop plans to support the regeneration of Matson and Podsmead.
The plans for each estate are at different stages and plans for Podsmead are more advanced.
Podsmead Update
In November we consulted with the Podsmead community about indicative plans for the area. All residents were invited to view the revised plans which took on board community feedback at two events held on Podsmead Green, Scott Avenue. and The Ramblers.
We encourage everyone to have their say and view our large plans. These draft plans have been included within the December newsletter sent to all local residents.
Matson Update
All Matson residents will have received a letter with the following information:
We last wrote to you about our regeneration plans in April, when we promised that we would provide an update later in the year. We hope that you have continued to be safe and well during this period.
Since we last updated you, we have continued to work with Gloucester City Council and your new local councillors to identify suitable land to kick-start the regeneration process, so that we can build new modern well-designed homes for residents and continue to invest in your community, building on the progress made over recent years.
We are looking at every option and whilst that work is still on-going we can confirm that we have agreed to purchase the old pub site next to Matson shops, which currently has outline planning permission for 6 flats and 4 houses and which could help us start to regenerate this part of Matson.
We understand that our regeneration plans are taking longer than we would all like. However we will continue to work together to find a way forward and will consult the community on our revised plans as soon as we are in a position to do so.
Staying in Touch
We will continue to work with community organisations including the Matson, Robinswood and White City Community Partnership and ward councillors and will keep you informed on progress.
In the meantime, we welcome queries or questions, by email customer.experience@gch.co.uk or phone 01452424 344. We will continue to work with you to create a better future for Matson and all who live here.
If you wish to join the Community Advisory Group or would like independent advice please contact Mal from TPAS on freephone* 0800 731 1619 or email gloucester@tpas.org.uk